Customer testimonials
Rudolf Vogl showed excellent communication and HR professional skills and was essential for the successful close of our merger within the timeframe. He demonstrated a pro-active problem-solving approach, outstanding commitment and work ethics and quickly understood our business.
Rudolf’s communication skills and open personality have well served Arval Austria to go through the merger successfully. He demonstrated an outstanding legal knowledge, operational knowledge and was seen as a highly respected interim member of the Management Committee. In the short time of his work with Arval Austria, he was an individual to be fully trusted to act and react in the best way for our company and employees.
Finally, our Rudolf has proven himself to be a strong HR Manager with the ability to quickly adapt to new environments and situations. In closing, I would like to restate my strong support for recommending him for any role in any company. I am confident he will continue to be successful on any tasks and responsibilities in the future.
Für uns war es der beste Schritt, meine Abwesenheit durch den Einsatz eines Interim Managers zu überbrücken. Wolkenrot war für uns die erste Anlaufstelle, da sie am Markt einen sehr guten Ruf haben. Die Möglichkeit aus unterschiedlichen Profilen auswählen zu können erleichtert den Prozess. Unsere Interim Managerin hat die Agenden innerhalb kürzester Zeit übernommen und nach meiner Rückkehr wieder übergeben. Ich kann diese Vorgehensweise all jenen empfehlen, die für eine befristete Zeit planen abwesend zu sein.
Susanne Buchberger is an HR professional in every sense of the word – and was an important support and companion for the entire team at the Transport Office during an incredibly difficult time. From day one, we appreciated her expertise in all areas of modern human resources and change management, as well as her analytical, critical and forward-looking approach. In her role as interim manager, he came “from the outside”, but was never aloof, always empathetic. For us, she was THE professional in the right place at the right time.
Die interimistische Unterstützung durch Wolkenrot hat sich für die Vienna Insurance Group bewährt. Die Zusammenarbeit war sehr angenehm und verlässlich. Alle ins Auge gefassten Projekte wurden erfolgreich abgeschlossen!
The Interim Manager joined our team in a turbulent period with significant organisational change. It was amazing how fast he got integrated in our management team as an interim HR Head. He fully stepped into the functional and operational HR-lead, managing the critical HR processes. I appreciated his guidance and experience when we worked together to define the corner stones of our new HR strategy. The Interim Manager acted with the highest level of integrity and professionalism!
Der Baumeister Schenk GesmbH ist die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ein großes Anliegen. Weswegen sie ihren Mitarbeitern ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität bezüglich der Arbeitszeit bietet.
Diese Flexibilität und das Arbeitsrecht unter einen Hut zu bringen, ist seit vielen Jahren eine große, teilweise nicht lösbare, Herausforderung. Trotz Rücksprachen mit verschiedenen Personalmanagern, wurden nur unzufriedenstellende oder halbe Lösungen gefunden. Wo das Arbeitsrecht eigentlich zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmer gedacht war, führte es nun zum Nachteil für unsere Mitarbeiter.
Umso überraschter waren wir, als wir nach einem kurzen Beratungsgespräch mit einem Mitarbeiter von Wolkenrot Personalmanagement ein absolut zufriedenstellendes, ganzheitliches Lösungspaket erhielten.
Wir können Wolkenrot Personalmanagement somit jedem empfehlen, der rasche und unkomplizierte Lösungen braucht.
We were faced with the major challenge of hiring a new employee for consulting. Due to the shortage of skilled workers in our industry, we were faced with the almost insurmountable task of finding a new employee in this area with a limited personnel budget. Wolkenrot has supported us in this task with great commitment and empathy. Not only did they professionalize our search process, but they have also been a mental support whenever I have been frustrated with the situation in the job market. They were the reason why I regained my courage, outgrew myself and kept coming up with new ideas. In the end, thanks to the great support of Wolkenrot, we found a great new employee!
Wolkenrot not only took care of the recruiting process, but also trained us in the onboarding process. Even after that, Wolkenrot always supported me when I had questions.
Our interim manager quickly picked up on the burning issues, integrated himself into our team and provided active support across all HR disciplines with professionalism and tact. All in all, a very positive experience!
Working with interim experts is a common practice for us in Italy and we are delighted that we found a competent partner in Austria. My feedback is excellent – Tanya adapted to our company straight away and completed every objective and task perfectly. A thoroughly professional collaboration!
Wir waren auf der Suche nach einer professionellen und effektiven Lösung, um unseren speziellen Anforderungen in HR kompetent zu begegnen. Komplexe Aufgabenstellungen im Bereich Arbeitsrecht (Verträge, Betriebsvereinbarungen etc.) erforderten einen HR-Profi der über den Tellerrand schaut und durch seine jahrelange Erfahrung, Ergebnisse erzielt, die von allen Beteiligten getragen werden. Ich bin der Überzeugung, dass der externe Experte in diesem Fall den richtigen Blick hatte und die passende Methodik und Umsetzung für eine gute und schnelle Lösung fand.
MOL Austria HR and Management is absolutely satisfied with professional advisory support we receive from our HR advisor. He is very fast in his reaction with emphasized sense of urgency for the matters and issues, reliable and reachable anytime even during his holidays, demonstrating strong stakeholder management (always sharing his agenda and calendar in advance in case of planned absences). He understands various topics quick based on a very short brief and elaborates solutions fast while offering several scenarios and options, considering the risks. Utmost everything, working with our HR advisor provides us sense of security in his solutions and positive approach on different issues: white and blue collar overtime handling, understanding the CBAs, special topics in our new Gleitzeit agreement and a very sensitive issue of Elternteilzeit agreement. It has been a pleasure to cooperate with our HR advisor also due to his great personality and communication skills.
It has been a true pleasure working with our HR advisor and we would like to have him as a consultant in the future.