5 questions to
Julia Lipok

The “5 wolkenrot” questions
What is the coolest part of your job?
The coolest part of my job is, that I can support very different customers and that I can always work on something new. I get in touch with a lot of new and different personalities and companies and I always have to adapt to new Situations.
Which HR topic do you enjoy the most?
Most of all I like to organise assessment and development centers. I love preparing them as much as I love it to put them to execution. I also really like to do coaching and workshops.
Which personality (historical or famous) would you like to meet?
I would like to meet Ken Wilber really bad. He worked on development of development. I love his lectures. But I’d probably be speechless. Maybe even so much I’d ask him something really trivial instead of using the opportunity for important questions.
Which book had an influence on you?
„Drachenläufer“ by Khaled Hosseini and „Der Kameramörder“ by Thomas Glavinic impressed me particularly.
You get a wish for free! What do you wish for?
I would wish for two legs of the same length – that would be something!