5 questions to
Martin Eckert
The “5 wolkenrot” questions
What is the coolest part of your job?
The variety of tasks. As a freelancer, no day is like the other!
Which HR topic do you enjoy the most?
All topics related to organization and personnel and / or management development – especially supporting the organisation in times of change.
Which personality (historical or famous) would you like to meet?
Talking to Barack Obama or Justin Trudeau would be very appealing. I would have loved to talk to Steve de Shazer but unfortunately it is not possible any more.
Which book had an influence on you?
I do not like reading that much and consequently I do not read much. I finished “Führen mit Hirn” by Sebastian Purps-Pardigol recently, because it was very impressing.
You get a wish for free! What do you wish for?
Peaceful coexistence in this world. More than ever in times like these…