5 questions to
Doris Schäfer

The 5 Wolkenrot questions
What’s the coolest thing about your job?
Working with many different companies and many different people. This is totally exciting and enriching.
Which topic in HR do you enjoy the most?
I like to support companies in any kind of change, be it in strategic issues, be it in organizational structures, be it in leadership development … to ensure future viability.
Who would you like to meet in person? (famous / historical person)
Barack Obama or Mick Jagger 🙂
Which book impressed you the most?
“The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra and “Once in a Lifetime” by Jhumpa Lahiri.
You have a wish, what do you wish for?
Any cold winters in Austria in the future to spend in Asia … family & friends come over.
The 5 questions to: